SunSun Health Water UV-C 2 – 1000l/h canister filter with UV lamp


Sun Sun

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Health Water is a new line of popular canister filters from the HW series. The design of the filter housing and cover has been significantly improved and a pump with lower power consumption has been used compared to the traditional HW filter. The set includes a set of hoses, inlets and outlets. The filter has a 9W UV-C sterilizer.


About the new Health Water filter and the old HW series:
The HW series (HW-302, 303 and 304) are currently the best-selling external filters not only in Poland. They owe their popularity to their low price combined with good quality and very large capacity. Currently, the manufacturer SunSun is introducing a new series of Health Water filters (702, 703 and 704) as an upgrade of the previous HW. The filters are based on proven technology and design proven over the years and hundreds of thousands of users. The new HW still provide outstanding filtration through large capacity, but their design has been improved and the filter engine has been changed. Read about the differences in the paragraph below:

What’s new? What are the differences between the new and the old HW?
Already at first contact, you can see a significant difference in the appearance of the filter. The new shape of the external body is the result of the following changes introduced in the design: 

– guides. This means that you will always close the filter correctly.
The possibility of filter leakage at the main seal, which was caused by the angular placement of the cover, has been eliminated. That is, the possibility of closing the filter at a deviation from the correct radius in the horizontal plane. The new filter has special guides, ensuring that the filter is closed in the correct position. Thus, the most common problem of leakage, which was basically a user error, has been eliminated. 

– double bucket. Reinforced walls.
The main bucket, in other words the container for filter media, has reinforcing columns. This solution has its motives, as it provides the appropriate rigidity of the structure and durability. Additionally, it dampens vibrations well, muffling the sound of the filter operation.

– stop airlock! Bubbles are only good in champagne.
Over 90% of bucket filters have an incompletely successful hand pump design. By design, it is responsible for priming the filter and hoses and is intended to be used to bleed the filter. Often, it is the one that is to blame for airlocking the filter. It is literally the place where air is held. This leads to blockage and is manifested by constant air spitting out. Pumping or shaking the filter does not help much and it can take up to several days. Horror!
The new Health Water has avoided this problem by using water flow channels and a different rotor placement. The air bubble no longer has its “safe” place and is immediately “spit out” by the filter. 

– new energy-saving engine
Energy consumption reduced by 20%. This is good news with constantly rising electricity prices. You can save up to PLN 40 per year on electricity alone!

– new inlet and outlet
This element has also been modernized. Both the inlet and outlet have been equipped with a holder for the edge of the aquarium. The set also includes suction cups for the hose and hose clamps, guaranteeing the durability of the installation
. Inlet: has modules that increase the length of the tube. Length from 15 to 60 cm. 
Outlet: Rain shower. Has modules. Length from 20 to 40 cm. The outlet is rotatable.

–  UV lamp auto-switch
There is a clever device in the filter housing. Namely, the UV lamp safety auto-switch. It will turn off the UV bulb automatically, protecting your eyes and health, in case you want to start the lamp on an open filter.

UV-C lamp sterilization:
UV-C radiation waves quickly and effectively sterilize the water. That is, they immediately kill all types of algae and algae spores, viruses, fungi, cyanobacteria (cyanobacteria) and other unwanted microorganisms. Daily use of the UV lamp prevents algae plagues and various other unwanted surprises. The lamp has a separate switch to use when needed or according to a set prevention scheme. There is a window in the housing informing about the operation of the bulb.

A large filter means better filtration.

“This has always been obvious to those who have delved into the knowledge of aquaristics.”
It is not the brand, price or manufacturer’s praise that makes a filter good. The principle is simple: the more cartridges, the better the filter. It is worth noting that HW filters are among the largest on the market. Most manufacturers only increase the pump power, which defeats the purpose, but it looks better on the back and convinces unsuspecting customers. The filter is supposed to filter through the filter cartridges! And the pump power must be properly selected. Too much water flow literally rinses the filter, not allowing for mechanical, biological or chemical filtration.

Technical data:
– model / manufacturer name: HW 702B
– trade name: Health Water UV-C 2
– pump power: 24W
– pump capacity: 1000l/h
– dedicated for 200l aquarium
– minimum aquarium: 72l
– maximum aquarium: 300l
– hose: diameter 16/22 length 2 x 200cm
– dimensions: 23x23x40cm (total dimensions with hose adapters)
– bulb power: 9W, lifetime 8100h


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